Landscape Architects

Two projects published on ARCHI

We’re happy to see two of our recent projects published on the Swiss Italian architecture and engineering magazine ARCHI. Finally the local architectural scene is acknowledging the importance of landscape architecture projects for our communities.

Landscape as Architecture

We’re delighted to participate as speakers during the Landscape as Architecture Symposium organised by the Accademia di Architettura in Mendrisio.

13-15 November 2024

Landscape architecture is a powerful tool for addressing issues that have generally been neglected in architectural research and practice until recently.
Innovative methodological approaches inherent to the multidisciplinary character of landscape architecture involve the consideration of time as a fundamental dimension in its conceptual framing, and a focus on exploring new ways of merging anthropic and natural systems rather than on the creation of new objects.
These characteristics may allow the transformative processes that are part of the continuous construction of human habitats to develop more ethical ways of engaging with and working towards the resolution of global issues.
In both practice and research, landscape architecture has produced new ideas and activated processes that address contemporary challenges in innovative ways, with some exemplary results. We call on all those who, as researchers and as professionals in practice, can communicate such experiences.
Moving away from the classical format of presenting practices’ work, individual projects or portfolios we invite contributions from designers, planners and researchers reflecting on how landscape architecture addresses the major challenges of our society and contributes to the production of contemporary space.

Swiss Talks #2

The Swiss Institute in Venice and has invited us, alongside Laurent Saurer of Localarchitecture, to discuss the challenges of working with water in fragile ecosystems.

To design on water, to use water as a design element and to protect oneself from water - different attitudes linked to a unifying and primal element, which will be the leitmotif of interventions straddling architecture and landscape in fragile contexts in Switzerland -with projects by De Molfetta Strode and Localarchitecture in the first part of the meeting- and in the Venetian lagoon, with the closing talk by Michela De Poli.

Valuable ecosystems to be preserved, territories devoid of identity and history, and areas threatened by climatic and technological upheavals are the areas of fragility that this meeting investigates, dwelling on the educational power of water, an element of recreation and play and at the same time a precious source of life, to be accorded centrality in a fluid process of awareness and civic education.

A project by Istituto Svizzero and CasabellaFormazione
In collaboration with ProViaggi Architettura

Thanks to Pro Helvetia and USM Modular Furniture

LILA 2024 Special Mention

Pico Playground has received a Special Mention by the Landezine International Landscape Award 2024 Jury. We’re grateful to all of our our collaborators, partners, clients, children & people who will enjoy this place!

Pico strikes a delicate balance between repurposing the old, creating an abstract playscape and including pre-fabricated play equipment. Plant and material distribution form a diligent reference to an alluvial atmosphere, reflecting this water-rich Alpine region and local flora. The wall made of recycled concrete slabs offers a precious movement and coordination exercise, while the slabs placed on the grounds form an ambiguous playscape where children can continuously discover ways of interaction anew. It can be seen as an example of subtle reuse and re-interpretation on site.

- from the award statements

Revealing Encounters

De Molfetta Strode is invited to share their work at Revealing Encounters a fabulous Summer School organised by Studioser in the lovely lakeside town of Gandria, Ticino. Thank you for the inspiring initiative!

Interferenze Lecture

De Molfetta Strode lectures in Sondrio for the Ordine degli Architetti di Sondrio. Thank you for a wonderful stay in Valtellina!

Anatomy of Change

Prof. Hope Strode is invited to Prof. Elli Mosayebi’s ETH Architecture Studio Ticino Permanente final discussion panel, set in Ticino.

Anatomy of Change is a dissection of time through architectural space and a lens on the Ticino region as a potential terrain for an architecture in progress. The exhibition critically addresses the temporal dimensions inherent in the construction of lasting architectural forms against the backdrop of climate change and its implications for contemporary architectural discourse. It conceptualizes change as a fundamental aspect of resilience and questions the speed with which these transformations manifest themselves on different spatial scales, from local to territorial.

Located south of the Alps, Ticino serves as a condensed representation of broader national dynamics. It is notable for its unique microclimate, extensive infrastructure networks, availability of building and energy resources, intricate migration patterns and rich cultural heritage.
The student projects exhibited are the result of an intense exploration, lasting three semesters, of the potential of different temporal frames: permanent, circular and temporary in relation to architectural production in the context of Ticino.

These works - a collection of drawings, construction details, architectural models, photographs and collages - seek to represent an idea and understand the importance of narrative in conveying new speculations.

Welcome Sponge City

Our Parco Casarico project is listed as a reference project for the Swiss Sponge City Initiative.

Time to adapt and redesign water management in cities. But how?

With the “sponge city principle”, rainwater is viewed as a valuable resource instead of a liability. A promising approach to counter the challenges of climate change in increasingly populated urban areas.

Article on Hochparterre Magazine

An inspiring shot of our Parco Casarico project was just published by the Swiss design magazine Hochparterre. Thank you to our beloved photographer Caroline Goddard and to journalists Maarit Stroebele & Mirjam Rombach for the daring interpretation of our work that lies somewhere between digital dreamscape and designed wilderness.

Binding Innovation Award for Biodiversity 2022

The Parco Casarico housing project in Sorengo wins the Binding Innovation Award for Biodiversity 2022. [...] the landscape architects designed a highly attractive living environment while increasing the diversity of natural habitats and species.

Vancouver Sun Article

Story by Brian Minter: Strode and De Molfetta are guiding landscape architecture in a new direction.

It’s always enlightening to discover and explore how today’s garden designs are evolving and moving in new directions. A lecture by two renowned landscape architects on Oct. 28 at Vancouver’s Robson Square was a great opportunity to learn more about some new ecological landscape trends.

ETH Zürich Talk

Invited talk by Hope Strode on novel ecosystems and climate change adapted environments in Ticino, for Prof. Dr. Elli Mosayebi’s studio at ETH

Villa Costanza Park in the ‘Best of 2022’

Villa Costanza Park is selected among 20 projects that are nominated in the Hochparterre landscape category for 'Die Besten 2022'

UBC SALA 2022 Garden Design Lecture

UBC Robson Square, 800 Robson Street, Vancouver, BC - Canada

The University of British Columbia School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture annual Garden Design Lecture returns with Federico De Molfetta and Hope Strode of Swiss landscape architecture partnership De Molfetta & Strode. 

Their work strives to create poetic power of landscape and a sense of connection and meaning to each site. In our digital age, to bring together ecology with the culture of place, and climate adaption, may be the future of garden design.

Pico Playground Opening

Please join us at the opening party for the new Pico Playground in Lugano!

Cincinnati Landscape Workshop

Guest lecture and workshop by Hope Strode for Prof. Sang Cho the University of Cincinnati College of Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning (DAAP)

Lugano, the presence of water

Public lecture organized by i2a (the International Institute for Architecture in Ticino) discussing our Waterfront Masterplan proposal and the potential of a recovered relationship of the city with its waters

HSLU Summer School Ticino 2022

Invited lecture and student projects review at the Hochschule Luzern Summer workshop in Val di Blenio, Ticino

LILA Landscape Award 2022

Parco Casarico is shortlisted in the Residential category for the Landezine International Landscape Award LILA 2022

Designing the Future

Lecture at Sichuan Agricultural University - China

Bartlett Super Crit

Hope Strode invited to Prof. Aisling O’Carroll’s Landscape Architecture Review at the Bartlett School of Architecture

Anthos One Publication

Parco Casarico is published among 15 ‘Best of’ projects from Switzerland in the first edition of the Anthos magazine, published by Hochparterre and the National Swiss Landscape Architects Association (BSLA/FSAP)

Politecnico di Milano Lecture

LILA Landscape Award 2018

Garden of Seven Moments is shortlisted in the Garden category for the Landezine International Landscape Award LILA 2018

Article on

De Molfetta Strode's early works showcase the dynamic character of landscape elements. The message is clear: bring nature into the built environment.

3 driving ideas are at the base of this landscape concept: Ecological continuity through vegetation, hydrological activation of the existing topography, and fluidity of public accessibility across the site.

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Building on the extensive existing plant collection, the project creates a series of unique environments and experiences linked by a new path.

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In this garden, every moment is also a specific place in time, intimately connected to the surrounding landscape through views or trails.

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